The MaxxCAT (™)

Hardware vs Software

Implementers of enterprise search solutions have a fundamental decision to make between deploying a specialized piece of search hardware (MaxxCAT™ or Google™), or a myriad of software solutions that range from toolkits and API's to full blown applications with complex administrative and configuration capabilities.

This white paper outlines the considerable difference between the approaches in an effort to educate implementers on the relative merits of each approach.

EX-Series Enterprise Search Appliance

EX-Series Enterprise Search Appliance

The MaxxCAT (™)

Multiple Data Sources

MaxxCAT™ has tremendously simplified the process of searching data from multiple enterprise sources. Enterprises store their data in a wide variety of locations -- websites, intranets, database, file shares, SAN arrays, applications and decentralized PC desktops.

MaxxCAT™ search appliances have greatly simplified the problem of aggregating, indexing and relevantly searching this data from this wide variety of sources by providing a single API to query this diverse set of data, regardless of the source.

The MaxxCAT (™)


The MaxxCAT™ API has been designed to be as simple as possible, with the ancillary benefits that our compact API and data protocol transmit very quickly over the Internet, and are immediately usable by browsers and other applications.

Unlike XML and other overly complex, overly verbose data structures, MaxxCAT by virtue of JSON and HTTP delivers a lean, fast, crisp interface to the high performance MaxxCAT enterprise search appliances, with a minimal learning curve for the developer.

EX-Series Enterprise Search Appliance