MaxxCAT BobCAT SQL Connector

A bobcat

The MaxxCAT BobCAT SQL Connector allows MaxxCAT appliances to connect directly to SQL databases and to extract relevant information for high performance full text retrieval, and simultaneous searching across other data sources. The BobCAT Connector can be configured to interact with Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, mySQL and other ODBC databases.

Using standard SQL, the BobCAT connector can index entire tables, joins, views or a subset of fields and records. Intuitive for SQL programmers and DBAs, the connector allows virtual documents to be created using simple or complex SQL statements. The MaxxCAT search appliances are then able to crawl the underlying database and perform extremely rapid queries against the virtual documents. The results returned from the BobCAT connector can be integrated into web pages, applications, or other systems that use the search appliance as a compute server performing the specialized function of high performance search across large data sets.

In addition to indexing raw data, The BobCAT connector provides the capability for raw integrators to index business intelligence and back office systems from disparate applications, and can grant the enterprise user a single portal of access to data coming from customer management, ERP or proprietary systems. Because the BobCAT connector is tightly integrated with the MaxxCAT appliances, the task of establishing crawls, and customizing output is striaght forward and acessible using industry standard tools such as JSON, HTML and SQL.

For additional information, or to request a trial of a MaxxCAT enterprise search appliance equipped with a BobCAT SQL connector, contact